Information for Realtors and Home Buyers
1. The conditions, covenants and restrictions (“CC&Rs”) and/or the Declarations.
2. The HOA articles of incorporation and bylaws, and rules and regulations, including any revisions or amendments.
1. The conditions, covenants and restrictions (“CC&Rs”) and/or the Declarations.
2. The HOA articles of incorporation and bylaws, and rules and regulations, including any revisions or amendments.
3. Rules and regulations, including any revisions or amendments not in other documents included on this page:
Architectural Design & Review Manual (revised 2023)
Landscape Manual (revised May 2015)
Architectural Design & Review Manual (revised 2023)
Landscape Manual (revised May 2015)
4. Policies, agreements, notices (not included in the items above) relating to age restrictions, pets, parking, any restrictions on rental of homes. 2023 Age Verification Survey Results.
5. All minutes of meetings for the preceding 12 months for the HOA and the Board of Directors:
5. All minutes of meetings for the preceding 12 months for the HOA and the Board of Directors:
Meeting Minutes for Each Committee: (not all committees meet monthly)
Board of Directors
Landscape Committee
Community Facilities Committee
Architectural Review Committee
Communications Committee
Finance Committee
6. Documents verifying coverage under the current policies of casualty and liability insurance for the HOA and its Board of Directors.
7. Documents verifying the current 2025 Homeowner Assessments and 2025 Annual Operating Budget together with any HOA notices relating to potential increases in the assessments or any potential special assessments.
8. Documents prepared for the HOA or its officers and/or directors acting in their official capacity, such as inspection reports, studies, bids or proposals for repair or replacement of any actual or suspected defects in the structural integrity or safety of the Property, its limited or general common elements. None at this time.
9. Documents relating to any demands or claims made by or against the HOA relating to any actual or suspected defects in the structural integrity or safety of the Property, its limited or general common elements. None at this time.
10. Documents showing the latest reserve study conducted by or for the HOA together with current reserve fund figures. 2024 Reserve Study here.
11. Documents disclosing the names and phone numbers of the current management company, the current HOA officers and directors. Email Ceres Gleann here for the most current information about the HOA and its directors.
2019 Annual Report Filing with Oregon Secretary of State
Additional information and documentation about Ceres Gleann Home Owners Association can be found here.